Welcome to the Other Games Blog.

We have a blog just for Nintendo, so we thought we might as well create this.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Types of Gamers

Yes, I have used a meme on my blog.
Sue me.
The Non Gamer: 
As you might have deduced, this type of gamer doesn't play games. 'Nuff said.

The Casual Gamer:
This person might play games every now and then, but they're not really super heavy games like Fallout or Darksiders 2, but can enjoy a good singstar or dance central game.

The Relaxed Gamer:
This person plays games often and enjoys them. They may not be dedicated to deep games and just enjoy a good session of Halo or Batman. Looks forwards to games but doesn't obsess. 

The Heavy Gamer:
This gamer really likes games and will spend a lot of time on them. Games are always interesting to them and they are willing to invest time into games with depth and complexity.

The Hardcore Gamer:
This person is so into games, so often that games become very important to them and they play on high levels. These people are the ones that play games like Dark Souls and know every item in Darksiders 2 and it's effect. These are the ones who play so well they can beat a noob in Street Fighter with their eyes closed.

The MLG:
These people are beyond dedicated. These people are extremely skilled and play at tourneys and have a talent beyond most mortals. They play games professionally and can actually do this as a profession, although this leads to a lot of camping...

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