Welcome to the Other Games Blog.

We have a blog just for Nintendo, so we thought we might as well create this.

Monday, October 8, 2012


How will you play Dishonored?

Will you lurk in the shadows and wait until the time is right? Or will you charge into the fray with amazing power at your disposal? Perhaps you'll go the road most bloody and slaughter everyone in your way? But you might have mercy and leave those who wronged you untouched and find other ways to topple your enemies. 
What will you do to achieve victory? Swing metal against metal and fight in swordplay? Blast people with your gun, or shoot them with the crossbow? Slit their throat or put them to sleep?

Dishonored offers something which a lot of games forget: player choice and freedom. You have an objective, but you are not funnelled down a narrow path with only one outcome. You can choose who you are and what you are, explore many powers and change the world around you. This reminds me of Deus Ex...in a great way. Dishonored may just prove to be the experience that true gamers have always wanted.

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