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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Possibilites of Arkham 3

Whether or not the next Rocksteady Batman game is a true Arkham City sequel or a rumoured silver age prequel, we have yet to know. But there are many hints from Arkham City that suggest a lot of ideas. Here you go. Oh, and BTW:

Batman says no to lookin' at Spoilers.

We good?

1.) Harley's Pregnancy? At the end of Arkham City, you can go around and discover at positive pregnancy test left next to Harley's old outfit. Not prizes for guessing who the father is. At the end of New Game Plus in the credits, you can hear her singing "Hush Little Baby" But during Harley Quinn's Revenge, you find the Scarface doll dressed as the Joker with tonnes of negative pregnancy tests surrounding it. What's going on here?

2.) Hush. After completing his side quests, you discover Hush was surgically removing the faces of inmates of Arkham City and grafting them onto his own. He looks exactly like Bruce Wayne now. He managed to elude the Dark Knight and become one of the few people to escape Arkham City's walls before the game's conclusion. 

3.) Azrael. The Watcher in the Wings was following Batman since the beginning. At the start of the game when Bruce and Jack Ryder are entering Arkham City, he is watching from the rooftops. After leaving a map for Batman across the city, he finally speaks to him and says there is fire coming and that he may lose much, saying that he may be the one the prophecy spoke of. Okey-doke...

4.) Ra's Al Ghul. Dead? Again? Maybe not. After being impaled with his own sword on a fence at the end of the game, you can no longer find his body, just his sword. Talia's body also goes missing...

5.) Prometheus. Man, just saying that name sounds cool. If you're not up to speed, Prometheus is essentially Batman's opposite. His parents were criminals gunned down by Lawmen and he swore revenge, so training himself in the art of killing, he goes to hell on the police. There are newspaper clippings with references to him all over Arkham City. He may not be a part of the next game, but he sure as hell might be...

6.) Cadmus. This may be the least tangible, but throughout Harley Quinn's revenge, you'll find numerous references to Cadmus, the group responsible for creating Superboy. Joker cloned? Seems unlikely, but you never know.

7.) Scarecrow. The most referenced villain not appearing in the game. You can find his mask as part of a riddle, and also numerous canisters of fear gas throughout the game in Hush's lair as well as the Riddler's and numerous others. During Protocol ten, you can find Henchmen lying dead wearing the Scarecrow masks. This may be a reference, but some theorise it's just a graphical glitch...right? In Arkham City, there are three radio signals not shown on the cryptographic sequencer. These spell out numbers, each of which can be decoded using real world codes. These three spell out "I WILL RETURN BATMAN" "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME" and the last one can only be decrypted with the keyword Scarecrow "FEAR WILL TEAR GOTHAM TO SHREADS" The final reference to the fear doctor can be found in a boat on the water which can be opened using the code "City of Terror" Inside the boat, you'll find insects and canisters of fear gas as well as an inmate who sitting on a chair. When you get close, he yells out in fear and dies. The notes on that wall are invoices from a Mr Carmine Falcone to Dr Jonathan Crane. Creepy. Scarecrow may very well be the focus of the next game with this much emphasis put on him.

8.) Other places. Keystone, Metropolis and Bludhaven are all mentioned throughout the game.

With these elements in place, the next Arkham game sure has a lot going for it.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare

In a world of money grabbing, cash thievin' DLC it's rare to really see anyone put effort into downloadable content. However, Rockstar again raises the bar for DLC as it did for open world games with the original Red Dead Redemption with the Add on: Undead Nightmare. 

Undead Nightmare takes story elements from Red Dead, but doesn't really fit into continuity very well, so calling it a parallel story doesn't really suit it. So, we'll call the old "alternate universe" card once more. Basically, story wise...ZAMBIEZ!!! A Zombie plague is spreading and it's up to John Marston and some of his colourful friends to stop it and pretty much save the day. Once again, the writing is well done and special props the the devs remembering not to take the story too seriously and putting in some great larffs. The voice quality returns as well as sound effects in Undead Nightmare so the production value is still there and the sounds are even better than the original due to some strange zombie-esque tunes. 

For only $10, you get over 6 hours of story missions, side quests, new achievements, challenges and weapons as well as two multiplayer modes. So worth it. Good thing the bargain doesn't come at the expense of quality. These missions are fun as anything and the side quests are great. The challenges make use of the new Zombies and really make this DLC stand on it's own two feet. This isn't simply more Red Dead with Zombies; this is almost a whole new game. The Karma and fame system is gone, and so is money. Ammo is this game's currency, you'll have to make use of all your equipment to survive. Not to mention zombie horses have unlimited sprint, so that compensates for lack of fast travel from camp. Fighting zombies is very different from Red Dead. They'll charge at you in a variety of breeds. Fast zombie, spitter zombie, fat zombie and even zombie animals. You'll have a blast as you get into a rhythm of headshots a torch swings. 

There are only two real downsides to this DLC. The town saving mechanic and the fetch quest missions. Fetch quests are few and forgivable (same with Red Dead) but in Undead, you have to frequently go and save towns from zombie infection. If you don't, everyone dies and you can't really use that town again. This becomes really annoying when all you want to do is just progress. Luckily, this is really the only downside to the best DLC ever made. If you loved Red Dead Redemption, you'll love Undead Nightmare. Pick this one up. 

Haven't convinced you? Well, you get holy water and exploding bait as well as dynamite. Oh...AND YOU CAN RIDE THE 4 HORSES OF THE FREAKING APOCALYPSE!!!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Red Dead Redemption Review

In 2010, the near undisputed GOTY was a little game we call Red Dead Redemption. And it's obvious why. This game is jam packed with content, great visuals and sound as well a fantastic gameplay and characters. However, there are some parts of the game which do fall a little short, but that's more than forgivable when you have a game as good as this.

Red Dead Redemption looks absolutely gorgeous. The western setting the devs were granted has been used to it's full extent and it brings the world to life. The towns look great, as do it's inhabitants. Even the lonely and sandy deserts have had so much care that even riding around looking at the place is fun. It also helps that the sound design is equally as impressive, including horse sounds, gun shots and voice acting that make this game feel extraordinary. The only real problem that arises from this is the brightness. I found myself having to constantly switch brightness throughout the game from high to low because at night, you cam hardly see anything, but in the day you're bombarded with sunlight that makes the ground unbearable to look at. And, as expected of a game this size, there's a few texture pops here and there, but it's strangely minimal. 

The story in Red Dead is actually a little disappointing. Basically, John Marston is a former gunslinger who's trying to go straight for his family, but his past is too filled with blood. You'll meet a great cast of characters not all of whom you'll like, but will feel some emotion towards them which is something that not many games accomplish. When I say the story's a little disappointing, I mean that there are certain points within the game that aren't fully capitalised on. An example is you spend time working for two opposite sides in the game and you really expect for the story to bank on this, but it never really does, leaving that section feeling a little anti-climactic. Also, some characters don't get the closure they deserve. The real high point of the narrative is John Marston himself. His character is slowly revealed over the course of the journey as you learn more and more about him. And the game's story when in Blackwater truly picks up to a truly amazing level. But the story mainly feels like you're going around doing a bunch of favours for people all around the world. 

Gameplay consists of roaming the massive world Red Dead has to offer and doing pretty much whatever. You can collect animal skins to sell at the market, complete tasks for strangers around the world, engage in randomly generated events while riding down the road, complete challenges to earn rewards, explore new towns and moar. So much to do in this game. And that's without the main missions. Most of these are really fun as well. You will storm trains, go on rescue missions, fight your way out of immense odds and even blow up mines. It's great! Only a few times do you encounter a mission that isn't fun. As said before, there is the unfortunately boring fetch quest here and there. And at times, the reason you're fighting these guys isn't really all that interesting and some missions do feel a little tacked on to make the game longer. Luckily, the ratio of good to bad is about 90:10 so it's all K. 

Red Dead Redemption does so many things that a lot of games try to do, but fail. Have a lot of content that's interesting, a great open world with stuff to do, great characters, amazing gameplay and a decent story. It's not perfect, but it's pretty damn impressive. Loved this game to death, one of the best of this generation.

Monday, October 8, 2012


How will you play Dishonored?

Will you lurk in the shadows and wait until the time is right? Or will you charge into the fray with amazing power at your disposal? Perhaps you'll go the road most bloody and slaughter everyone in your way? But you might have mercy and leave those who wronged you untouched and find other ways to topple your enemies. 
What will you do to achieve victory? Swing metal against metal and fight in swordplay? Blast people with your gun, or shoot them with the crossbow? Slit their throat or put them to sleep?

Dishonored offers something which a lot of games forget: player choice and freedom. You have an objective, but you are not funnelled down a narrow path with only one outcome. You can choose who you are and what you are, explore many powers and change the world around you. This reminds me of Deus Ex...in a great way. Dishonored may just prove to be the experience that true gamers have always wanted.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Doctor Rants: Dark Souls PTD edition

Dark Souls, one of my favourite games of 2011 now has a PC port. Yes I know I'm late talking about this. still... 
I don't know about the rest of you, but my copy of the game lags. REALLY BADLY. i struggle to get the game to run at 30 fps and it really gets on my nerves. especially when the game moves so slowly than a boss can kill you due to your timing being waaaaaay off. I haven't been able to properly play the game due to this lag, neither have i been able to play online for long periods of time due to framerate being 'insufficient for online play.' 
Whilst in the past i have been the advocate for substance over style, i must make this point. this is a PC game, and the fact that the CONSOLE version looks better than the vanilla PC version upsets me. that goodness that there is a mod that brings the game to its full PC potential without changing the game play in any way. 

Of course, I wasn't expecting the greatest PC port of all time, considering that this is FromSoftware's FIRST ever PC game, so kudos to them for making it. However, the biggest mistake they made was by far, making the game reliant on the the XBOX controller. ITS A PC GAME! I WANT TO USE MY MOUSE AN KEYBOARD. when I did try to play with the mouse and keyboard, I found the game to be unplayable. Its a real shame. If you are considering getting Darks Souls, get the console version, and wait for the Console DLC. Seriously. Just play the game where it was born, and you will be able to play it and enjoy to its full potential.

It also uses Windows Live for its multiplayer...