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Friday, December 23, 2011

Well played Bethesdea. Well played

Yeah. Skyrim got goty. Meaning that the past 3 elder scrolls games have won it.
so, all i have to say is, THANK GOODNESS IT WASNT MW3.
Well played Bethesdea.


  1. dammit.
    dont be sad. skywars sword won best wii game. (Obviously)
    Uncharted 3 won best ps3 game
    Batman Arkham city won best xbox360 game

  2. crap son. were u reading this when i was writing a comment?

  3. Well, I may get Skyrim for 360, but it could never take the place of Skyward Sword in my heart (or Arkham City)

  4. woah i did not see that we commented at pretty much the same time.

  5. i got da skyrims for christmas. the interesting thing is that i think skyward sword is more fun.

  6. that might be just me though

  7. skyward sword is soooooo good, i was sceptical, but now that i have played it, epicosity.

  8. See!
    Skyward Sword is awesome, and yet Skyrim won game of the year. I'm not judging Skyrim because I haven't played it, but it just goes to show how the stupid gamers are these days. Arkham City sold 4 Million in the first week, but MW3 sold 30 million. WTH!?!?!
    All the COD kiddie fanboys probably think that Skyward Sword sucks, but in actuality, it's the best game of all time.

  9. this is true 4ever

    also, not being offensive to bethesdea in anyway, but i think that someone may have oayed off the committee

  10. I also got Skyrim for christmas, but I'm busy playing Arkham City, which is FREAKING AWSOME. I'll play Skyrim when I'm completely done with City... which might take a while

    After playing lots of Asylum and City, I recently went to my friends house and played MW2. And I got confused.....

    Why can such SHIT games like MW be sold in stores??????
