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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Minecraft Aether mod, the doctor's thoughts and advice

To begin with, this Mod is Awsome! the way it was made, it feels like it fits the game perfectly.

The aether is much like the Nether, but its easier to see and there are no ghasts. Just demon cluds that shoot snowballs at you that can knocjk you off the landformations. and Cockatrices. They shoot poison at you.
Anyway, My advice. Build your base near you portal, if not next to it. This way, you can leave and enter the aether whenever you want. If you have the too many items mod,use it if you want, but If you want to be a hardcore aether explorer, don't use it.
WHAT TO TAKE: a crafting table, diamond armor and a diamond sword. these items are the only useful NON-AETHER items for the mod.
MOAS- moas are one of the few ways t get around the aether. there are three types:
blu moas can flap 3 times in the air and are the quickest to raise
white moas can flap 4 times in the air
black moas can flap 5 times in the air and are the slowest to raise.
The mod also features new types of dungeons that have bosses. along with these bosses are new items that cannot be crafted or found anywhere else other than as rewards for completing aether dungeons. watch this video explaining all the new items and armor


  1. these guys are incredibly british, but incredibly informative

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzo87P8lBqE&feature=relmfu
    for the weapons

  3. Care for a spot of tea my good Doctor?

  4. i say, that sound delightful old bean.
