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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sephiroth killed me: I feel Honoured!

Why would I be happy that sephiroth killed me in kingdom hearts 2? simple. I hurt him enough for him to use the heartless angel attack. an attack that leaves you with 1hp and 0mp. so if you don't stop him from using it, your pretty much screwed. I have to say though. He is much easier to damage than the dustflier.

Watch the video and see what i'm talking about
If you don't stop his attack when he says "SIN HEARTLESS ANGEL" he will anihilate you.


  1. ness likes big cherries peter pan mac and cheese

  2. well, sephiroth is meant to be a HEARTLESS, one-winged angel.

  3. as in PURE EVIL, as opposed to cloud strife who is PURE EPIC

  4. the lyrics for this battle are in latin!
    I can't remember exactly but Sephiroth means perfection or something like that
