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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Arkham City extras

If you aren't already dribbling all over your shirt from excitement of the near release of Arkham city on 360 and PS3 on November 19 and the release of it on Wii U next year, then here are some more reasons.

Playable characters: Most people would be content with merely playing as the caped crusader, but wait, there's more! As well as the Dark Knight, Catwoman has been revealed as a playable character in both challenge maps and the campaign. If that wasn't enough, the Boy Wonder himself is appearing in Arkham City in several challenge map DLC's. Yes, Robin is in Arkham City and perhaps for the first time in his whole life, Tim Drake is actually cool.

Oh, but that's not the end of it. Yes folks, the original Robin has made land in Arkham City along with several challenge maps. One of which is the house he grew up in. Wayne Manor. Yes ladies and gentlemen. Nightwing has freakin' arrived.

I  can't wait to play as 1970's Bats
Extra Costumes: An often used hook for super-hero games (especially for DLC's and Pre-Orders) is the alternate costumes. Nerds often have to take a few moments to regain breath after seeing alternate suits and Arkham City has a lot. 

Watch out for the one on the right
Oh, and the bird boy gets some new threads as well:


  1. nightwing...

  2. qhg9uwe hg9uhrwgo['iitgy0peaty0pqty3 03yt 32 y4tq2e3t2q3y4624tuq204ty 0q23u4 t]-2u4ty -2u4t9 2

    IT"S COMING OUT IN TWO @&^$&)@$%)&*@%$&ING DAYSZZZZZ!!t
